Strategy Fund

Created in 2013 to invest in strategically important new initiatives, the Strategy Fund has supported more than 30 projects.

The focus is on:

  • Clinical tools and technologies for any element of the entire patient journey in musculoskeletal disorders, from diagnosis to post-operative care; or
  • Educational tools, platforms or channels for lifelong training of surgeons

Project proposals are evaluated against the following criteria:

  • Strategic impact on the AO mission
  • Degree of innovation
  • Feasibility
  • Sustainability after seed funds

Bring your idea to life!

To apply please refer to the AO's Technology Transfer webpage

Thank you

Anyone can apply  

Read the FAQ and if you still have questions, the team is here to help!

  • Key achievements
  • Key partnerships
  • Governance

    The AO Foundation Board governs the strategy fund resources, through a committee comprised by the following members: Neal Futran (Chair – CMF surgeon), Erik Asimus (VET surgeon) and Jeffrey Wang (AOFB representative – Spine surgeon). AO President Florian Gebhard (Trauma surgeon) is a permanent guest.