Our community

The AO has established specialty areas for trauma, spine, craniomaxillofacial, veterinary and reconstructive surgery. The AO clinical divisions and clinical unit continually redefine the state of the art in their fields, maintaining activities in research, development, clinical investigation, innovation, and education.

Leadership in surgery

How do you become a successful leader in the field of surgery? Watch this interactive panel discussion with AO surgeon leaders Robert McGuire, Jeff Wang, Teija Lund, and Sabine Girod describing how they got where they are today.

AO Davos Courses: The future of medical education—today

Join us in Davos from December 1-12, 2024 for the AO’s flagship educational event, offering courses from AO Trauma, AO Spine, AO CMF, AO VET, AO Recon, and AO Sports.

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Learn more about the AO Davos Courses


Global community


Educational events per year


Educational event participants


Educational event faculty

Community zones

AO Trauma

AO Trauma creates a dynamic environment fostering change through its state-of-the-art research and education and an interactive community, empowering the next generation of surgeons.

AO Spine

AO Spine is composed of surgeons, researchers, ORP, and health care professionals from all continents providing educational, research, consulting and networking opportunities


AO CMF is a driving force in education and research using modern techniques to achieve successful patient rehabilitation for a global community of surgeons.


AO VET's mission is to advance the practice of veterinary surgery to improve patient outcomes by promoting clinical and experimental research, education and development.

AO Recon

AO Recon is a global network of orthopedic surgeons delivering best-in-class education in joint preservation and replacement.


To join our community, click on the links below to sign up for a membership and start enjoying the benefits!


Whatever your specialist area, the AO's resources offer you valuable support in enhancing your abilities, learning new skills, and responding to changing clinical needs.

ARI activity reports

Get the latest on AO research innovation from the AO Research Institute Davos (ARI).

Experts Symposia

Where outstanding minds come together in a robust process to improve available treatments.


Our study is a consensus process to improve research efficiency in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM)

Build your AO Davos Courses experience! 

Join us in Davos from November 30December 12, 2025 for the AO's flagship educational event.

“Advances in the surgical treatment of trauma have generated the need for more sophisticated RIA instrumentation. The new generation RIA device will allow surgeons to continue to improve outcomes in complex cases where patients require reaming and bone grafting.”

Hans-Christoph Pape, AO Technical Commission member