AO innovation funding portfolio

Browse our technologies and innovative projects

Development Incubator

Focuses on product ideas to advance clinical innovations in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.


Protective coating layer to reduce wear-related knee joint pain

Momentum Health

New digital health app to remotely screen scoliosis in patients

Biphasic Plate

Improving stabilization by providing a predictable mechanical environment fracture

Fracture Monitor

Implantable telemetric sensor system for monitoring of bone healing

Distal Radius Intramedullary Nail

(DRIM-Nail) for the fixation of extraarticular fractures


Sound-Wave Induced Morphogenesis (3D SIM) is poised to revolutionize tissue engineering

Small bone external fixator

Versatile and simple system for external fixation of fractures of fingers

S-REX Screw

New spinal screw under development

Strategy Fund

Focuses on innovative ideas that strengthen the AO position in surgeon education, digitalization, pre-clinical and clinical research tools.

Knowledge Translation Pilot

Bridging the chasm between research evidence and its application

Patient-Centered Outcomes Measures Major Injury Patients

Patient-Centered Outcomes Measures for Major Injury Patients


AO Extended Reality (XR) pioneers integration of mixed-reality (MR) technologies into surgical education

Clinical Study Hub

Designed as one large prospective clinical project consisting of multiple sub-projects

AI@AO: X-rays Prox. Femoral Fractures

Establishing a database of high-quality, annotated, anonymized, fractures images

Surgical videos in education

Creating high-quality surgical video material with multichannel applications

AI@AO: CTs of  Pelvic Fractures

Pilot an AI driven software to assist surgeons detecting and classifying pelvic fractures from CT scans


A new, interactive, virtual osteosynthesis software tool and learning platform


Digitally enhanced hands-on surgical training.

Do you have an idea to improve patient care or surgeon education?