
Statistics for surgeons I

This e-learning module addresses the basic aspects of descriptive statistics to be applied in surgical studies.


Statistics for surgeons II

This e-learning module explains the meaning of inferential statistics, introduces the most important statistical tests, and the basics of sample size calculation.


Health economics

This e-learning module explains how to conduct economic evaluation alongside clinical research.


Statistics in orthopedic papers

This review article provides an insight into the principles of statistics in orthopedic research.


Introduction to the statistics software Stata

This interactive instruction shows how to use the statistics software Stata for basic summary statistics, graphs, and statistical tests.


Statistics webinar

In this webinar you will learn how your study question is linked with sample size calculation and the statistical analysis.

Web link

Additional resources on statistics

A collection of further reading and links related to statistics.



Find the most frequently asked questions and related answers about statistics.