AO Research Institute Davos advisory committee

The AO Research Institute Davos Advisory Committee is a group with multidisciplinary expertise relevant to the research and development objectives of the AO


The AO Research Institute Davos Advisory Committee provides operational and strategic scientific advice to the AO Research Institute Davos on behalf of the AO Foundation Board. AO Research Institute Davos Advisory Committee acts as both a sounding board and sparring partner for the Director and scientists of the AO Research Institute Davos.


The AO Research Institute Davos Advisory Committee's tasks and responsibilities include advising AO Research Institute Davos on:

  • Portfolio of competences (skills of personnel and type of equipment)
  • Strategy and priority setting for direct funds of AO Research Institute Davos
  • Exploratory collaborative research program(s)
  • Business development and initial advice on technology transfer
  • Regulatory issues
  • Use of AO Research Institute Davos funds
  • Advancement of the AO Research Institute Davos capabilities, to assure the efficient use of the infrastructure


The AO Research Institute Davos Advisory Committee comprises the following members:

Prof Brian Johnstone (Chair, represents the AO Research Institute Davos Advisory Committee on the AO R&D Platform), Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, OHSU, USA

Prof Chris Evans, Mayo Clinic, USA

Prof Jürg GasserBasel, CH

Prof Gerjo van Osch, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL

Prof Hamish Simpson, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK