Assembly of Trustees

The “AO parliament” comprising of 123 expert surgeons from around the world, consists of the AO President, the AO President-Elect, Immediate-Past President, 31 Regional Members, 49 Ex-Officio Members, 3 Founding Members, 12 Past Presidents, and 25 Honorary members. Each AO Trustees’ term is limited.

The Assembly of AO Trustees is responsible for approving the AO’s scientific and clinical mission, important elections, and modifying the AO Foundation Charter and Bylaws. It communicates AO values to national institutions and other AO surgeons, and gathers feedback on specific regional needs.

Since each Trustee serves for a limited number of years, the composition of the Assembly of Trustees is subject to continuous renewal.


Trustees can access confidential, meeting-related documents in the Trustees area:

If you have any questions or issues, please contact Sandra Aguilera.

Read more about AO governance

AO Foundation Board

Find out more about the AO Foundation Board, the AO's governing body.

AO Presidents

See who has served as AO Foundation president from its establishment in 1984 to the present.

AO Executive Committee

The AO Executive Committee reports directly to the AO Foundation Board, and includes the CEO, CFO/COO and executive directors representing key areas of AO activity.