Our services and resources
Find out more about our services and resources on the following pages:
AO Approved Solutions

Offering detailed descriptions of AO Approved Solutions, including videos and clinical cases.
AO Milestones
AO Milestones will certify surgeons’ proficiency in key areas of trauma surgery. The competency-based training and assessment programs cover the need for just-in-time learning by providing residents and residency program directors a tailored digital curriculum offering adaptive learning modules, skills training, and robust assessments.
AO Milestones is part of the future of AO education. The first program is set for October 2022 launch to residents in North America, with the global launch to follow.


Enjoy intuitive access to dependable knowledge when you need it. myAO is your pathway to personalized knowledge, critical insights from clinical experts, and verified videos on demand.
Engage with leading experts in your field. Find out what they've published recently, see articles they share, and deepen your insight into areas that interest you.
Your personalized digital gateway to expertise, education, and innovation—whatever your field.

AO Surgery Reference

AO Surgery Reference is an online repository of surgical knowledge. It describes the complete surgical management process from diagnosis to aftercare for all fractures of a given anatomical region.
This unique online reference tool designed for everyday clinical life was introduced in 2006. It was launched with six anatomical modules which are continually being added to, making AO Surgery Reference a dynamic reference tool.
The AO's publishing and faculty support media team produces a wide range of books, e-books, and education-related publications that highlight the pioneering work of the AO community.
AO Sports
With more than 60 years of shaping the future of medical education and a worldwide network of expert trauma and reconstructive surgeons, the AO—with its latest initiative, AO Sports—is responding to the significant global need for unbiased education in sports medicine.

Online learning
Webinars and livestreamed events are a central part of the AO's educational offerings
AO videos and visual media
Multimedia teaching and learning materials, live webcasts and event coverage
The AO's e-learning offerings complement our educational programs, and can also be used as a standalone educational activity
Leveraging the wealth of expertise available within the AO—through the commitment to best practices and excellence in research and education.
Whatever your specialist area, the AO's resources offer you valuable support in enhancing your abilities, learning new skills, and responding to changing clinical needs.

ARI activity reports
Get the latest on AO research innovation from the AO Research Institute Davos (ARI).
Experts Symposia
Where outstanding minds come together in a robust process to improve available treatments.
Our study is a consensus process to improve research efficiency in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM)
Build your AO Davos Courses experience!
Join us in Davos from November 30–December 12, 2025 for the AO's flagship educational event.