AO Education Institute Advisory Committee
The AO Education Institute Advisory Committee (AOEI AC) provides strategic advice and guidance to the AO Education Institute and helps to ensure the efficient deployment of the AO Education Institute infrastructure with respect to service provision to the Clinical Divisions and the AO Education Platform.
The AO Education Institute AC's tasks and responsibilities are to give advice and guidance to the AO Education Institute to sustain its leadership role in:
- Portfolio of competencies (skills) needed to provide state-of-the–art services in the area of planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of postgraduate medical education programs
- Scope and quality of educational research projects conducted by AO Education Institute staff or AO Education Institute Fellows
- Best practice exchange, engagement in, and partnership with leading organizations in the area of postgraduate medical education or faculty development globally
- Key trends and changing forces in the area of postgraduate/post-board certification medical education
- Recommending new innovative technologies and techniques for consideration as pilot projects in the Clinical Divisions
- Identifying regulatory changes and their impact on AO's educational strategies.
Current members
Term: 2022 to 2025

Teija Lund, Finland
Consultant spine surgeon, Helsinki University Hospital
Past President - Finnish Spine Surgery Society
Past President - International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine
Member - Eurospine Task Force Spine Surgical Centers of Excellence

Simon Kitto, Canada
Full Professor, Department of Innovation in Medical Education Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Full Professor, Department of Surgery (Adjunct), Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Full Professor, Faculty of Education (Adjunct), University of Ottawa
Director of Research, Office of Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (JCEHP)
Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

Associate professor, Inselspital, University hospital Bern
Senior attending specialist, department of Emergency Medicine, Inselspital, University hospital Bern
Member of the board of directors, department of Emergency Medicine, Inselspital, University hospital Bern