DEHST is now AO Approved
On December 8, 2024, the AO Technical Commission (AO TC) Trauma Board, led by Michael Raschke, certified DEHST, the AO’s digital solution for hands-on surgical skill training, with the “AO Approved” label.
Jan Buschbaum, Leader of the Technology Development Focus Area at AO Research Institute Davos (ARI), inventor, and main developer of the DEHST, was delighted by the AO TC approval: “This is a strong commitment from the AO TC Trauma Board, acknowledging the value of DEHST and seeing it as a significant future element for the AO’s educational offerings. It also demonstrates the uniqueness of the ARI as a leader in R&D, not only for innovation in medical products but also educational technologies. It is a great example of how all AO institutes and AO network commissions collaborate to improve patient care.”
Boyko Gueorguiev, ARI Vice Director, and Peter Varga, upcoming Program Leader Biomedical Development, emphasized: “This is another important step for DEHST and its relevance as an educational tool. DEHST fulfills all the criteria of addressing a clinically relevant need with a technology that could advance the state of the art, backed by published evidence. It is also the first educational technology to come out of ARI that gets AO approved.”
ARI Director Geoff Richards said: “I am very proud of the ARI team for having come up with the concept and having developed it right up to a functional product to support AO education. DEHST has just had its first integration at the AO Davos Courses 2024, and I see that this is a major jump with on-site medical training in a safe simulated environment. This advance, which will be developed with many new modules over the next years, will help keep the AO in the lead of postgraduate surgeon education.”
Jan Buschbaum, Leader of the Technology Development Focus Area at AO Research Institute Davos (ARI), inventor, and main developer of the DEHST, was delighted by the AO TC approval: “This is a strong commitment from the AO TC Trauma Board, acknowledging the value of DEHST and seeing it as a significant future element for the AO’s educational offerings. It also demonstrates the uniqueness of the ARI as a leader in R&D, not only for innovation in medical products but also educational technologies. It is a great example of how all AO institutes and AO network commissions collaborate to improve patient care.”
Boyko Gueorguiev, ARI Vice Director, and Peter Varga, upcoming Program Leader Biomedical Development, emphasized: “This is another important step for DEHST and its relevance as an educational tool. DEHST fulfills all the criteria of addressing a clinically relevant need with a technology that could advance the state of the art, backed by published evidence. It is also the first educational technology to come out of ARI that gets AO approved.”
ARI Director Geoff Richards said: “I am very proud of the ARI team for having come up with the concept and having developed it right up to a functional product to support AO education. DEHST has just had its first integration at the AO Davos Courses 2024, and I see that this is a major jump with on-site medical training in a safe simulated environment. This advance, which will be developed with many new modules over the next years, will help keep the AO in the lead of postgraduate surgeon education.”
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