ARI’s Sibylle Grad receives Women’s Leadership Award

Switzerland was Guest Nation at the 70th anniversary meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, which took place in Long Beach, CA, United States, from February 2 to 6, 2024.
AO Research Institute Davos (ARI) had the honor to coordinate the guest nation activities, a task carried out by ARI’s Geoff Richards and Martin Stoddart. The ARI scientists organized two research interest groups, “Infection” and “Bone Injury and Regeneration”, and a guest nation workshop. Several other ARI researchers stood out during the meeting: Sibylle Grad received the Women’s Leadership Forum Award and was inducted as an ORS Fellow, Junxuan Ma received the JOR Spine Early Career Award, and Stephan Zeiter gave a spotlight talk, “Demanding Models for a Challenging Clinical Problem: Preclinical Models for Orthopedic Infection”.
Martin Stoddart introduced Switzerland as a guest nation during the opening ceremony and also participated in the ORS Open Door Outreach event for 70 school kids aged 10 to 13 where ORS scientists discussed their career paths, current career opportunities, and held hands on workshops. For Stoddart, this year’s meeting was a unique opportunity to showcase the work of ARI and the AO Foundation: “ARI has been closely connected to the ORS for many years. That made this year special with organizing the Guest Nation and ARI receiving a number of awards”.