AO earns "Trusted Provider" CME status in Europe
Further confirmation of the AO's reputation for excellence in education, innovation, and research

The AO is recognized for its commitment to high standards in design and delivery of medical education by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.
On December 20 the AO Education Institute received the positive news that the AO Foundation with its Clinical Divisions and Units have been awarded with the "Trusted Provider" status of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).
This recognition is only provided to organizations that consistently fulfill the quality and compliance rules of the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialists and demonstrates that the AO's educational activities and documentation and assessment processes are a role model in Europe's medical education landscape.
"This status brings advantages to the course organizers applying for European CME credits and is the result of the consistent work of the AO course orgnaizers," says Monica Ghidinelli, Project Manager CME Accreditation and Educational Research in the AO Education Institute that ran the application for the "Trusted Provider" status. "We will benefit from shorter timelines and will have to deliver less documents during the application process, also the pre-payment before submission will not be necessary anymore."