AO Annual Report 2018

The AO's Annual Report for 2018 has been published. In line with our commitment to digital transformation and reducing our carbon footprint, this year the AO Annual Report is available exclusively online.
In 2018, the AO celebrated its 60th anniversary, and this forms the overarching theme for the report.
As the world's leading innovator in the surgical treatment of bone fractures and disorders, the AO strives for excellence in all areas of its activity. This report looks at the challenges and achievements of 2018 through the prism of four separate chapters: patient outcomes, innovation, education, and corporate social responsibility.
In an increasingly complex environment, the AO continues to offer health care professionals outstanding opportunities in education, innovation, and research.
Find out about the innovative courses offered by the AO in 2018, its new cross-divisional initiatives, the AO Fracture Monitor, how the AO's Davos headquarters are leading the way on energy saving in Switzerland, and what the AO does to help children stay safe and play safe in Bangladesh.
For all this and more about the AO in 2018, view the full report.