Peer-reviewed publications
Audigé L, Brorson S, Durchholz H, et al. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2021 Nov 30;22(1):1002
Blauth M, Joeris A, Rometsch E, et al.
BMJ Open. 2021 May 10;11(5):e039960
Dandurand C, Fisher CG, Rhines LD, et al.
Feasibility of achieving planned surgical margins in primary spine tumor: a PTRON study
Neurosurg Focus. 2021 May;50(5):E16
Ernst M, Baumgartner H, Döbele S, et al.
Clinical feasibility of fracture healing assessment through continuous monitoring of implant load
J Biomech. 2021 Feb 12;116:110188. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.110188. Epub 2020 Dec 24.
Joeris A, Zhu TY, Lambert S, et al.
Real-world patient data: Can they support decision making and patient engagement?
Injury. 2021 Dec 16;doi:10.1016/j.injury.2021.12.012
Karamian BA, Schroeder GD, Holas M, et al.
Variation in global treatment for subaxial cervical spine isolated unilateral facet fractures
Eur Spine J. 2021 Jun;30(6):1635-50
Kojima KE, Taha WS, Graves ML, et al.
J Ortho Trauma. 2021 Feb;35(S1):S28-S33
Kweh BTS, Tee JW, Muijs S, et al.
J Neurosurg Spine. 2021 Sep 10:99-112
Lenke LG, Zuckerman SL, Cerpa M, et al.
Eur Spine J. 2021 Nov;30(11):3243-54
Metsemakers WJ, Kortram K, Ferreira N, et al.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2021 Jan 9;22(1):57
Min KS, Sheridan B, Waryasz GR, et al.
Predicting reoperation after operative treatment of proximal humerus fractures
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2021 Aug;31(6):1105-12
Moriarty TF, Muthukrishnan G, Daiss JL, et al.
Bone infection: a clinical priority for clinicians, scientists and educators
Eur Cell Mater. 2021 Oct 18;42:312-333
Nielsen CJ, Lewis SJ, Oitment C, et al.
Spine J. 2021 Nov;21(11):1775-83
Pearson NA, Tutton E, Joeris A, et al.
Trials. 2021 Jul 12;22(1):443
Radke H, Joeris A, Chen M
Vet Surg. 2022 Feb;51(2):244-53
Saeed A, Chong AH, Rometsch E, et al.
Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research. 2021 Mar 22;5:201-205
Schroeder GD, Karamian BA, Canseco JA, et al.
Validation of the AO Spine Sacral Classification System: Reliability Among Surgeons Worldwide
J Orthop Trauma. 2021 Dec 1;35(12):e496-e501
Teunis T, Meijer S, van Leeuwen W, et al.
J Hand Surg Am. 2021 Nov 15;S0363-5023(21)00615-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2021.09.020. Online ahead of print.
Vaccaro AR, Karamian BA, Levy HA, et al.
Clin Spine Surg. 2021 Jul 7. doi: 10.1097/BSD.0000000000001215. Online ahead of print.
Versteeg AL, Sahgal A, Laufer I, et al.
Correlation Between the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) and Patient Reported Outcomes
Global Spine J. 2021 Jul 26;21925682211033591. doi: 10.1177/21925682211033591.
Xiang Z, Chen Z, Wang P, et al.
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2021 Sep-Dec;29(3):23094990211058902
Zuckerman SL, Cerpa M, Lenke LG, et al.
Global Spine J. 2021 Feb 9:2192568220988276
Kumar VV, Rometsch E, Thor A, et al.
Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr. 2020; doi:10.1177/1943387520917511. First Published April 8, 2020
Morgenstern M, Erichsen C, Militz M, et al.
J Orthop Res. 2020 Jul 27; doi: 10.1002/jor.24804. Online ahead of print.
Alispahic N, Brorson S, Bahrs C, et al.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020;21(1):327
Rughubar V, Vares Y, Singh P, et al.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 May 15; doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2020.05.012.Online ahead of print.
Eichler K, Hoglinger M, Meier F, et al.
Impact of osteosynthesis in fracture care: a cost comparison study
J Comp Eff Res. 2020;9(7):483-496
Maheswaran A, Aiyer SN, Farouk O, et al.
Global Spine J. 2020;10(2):118-129
Stoffel K, Blauth M, Joeris A, et al.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2020 Feb 21; doi: 10.1007/s00402-020-03332-7. Online ahead of print.
Rometsch E, Spruit M, Zigler JE, et al.
Global Spine J. 2020;10(1):69-88
Fang C, Platz A, Muller L, et al.
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2020;28(1):2309499019890140
Canseco JA, Schroeder GD, Patel PD, et al.
Eur Spine J.2020 Jul 22. doi: 10.1007/s00586-020-06535-z.Online ahead of print.
Canseco JA, Schroeder GD, Paziuk TM, et al.
Global Spine J. 2020 Dec 11:2192568220974339
Kates SL, Owen JR, Beck CA, et al.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020 Nov 4;102(21):1842-8
Kwan KYH, Lenke LG, Shaffrey CI, et al.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2021 Feb 1;479(2):312-20. Epub 2020 Oct 21
Sadiqi S, Dvorak MF, Vaccaro AR, et al.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2020 Sep 1;45(17):E1111-E8
Sadiqi S, Muijs SPJ, Renkens JJM, et al.
Eur Spine J. 2020 Oct;29(10):2550-9
Sadiqi S, Post MW, Hosman AJ, et al.
Eur Spine J. 2020 Aug 19. doi: 10.1007/s00586-020-06554-w. Online ahead of print.
Saigal R, Lau D, Berven SH, et al.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2021 Apr 1;46(7):E450-E7. Epub 2020 Dec 9.
Schroeder GD, Canseco JA, Patel PD, et al.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2020 Dec 17. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000003873. Online ahead of print.
Vaccaro AR, Schroeder GD, Divi SN, et al.
Description and Reliability of the AO Spine Sacral Classification System
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020 Aug 19;102(16):1454-63
Versteeg AL, Sahgal A, Rhines LD, et al.
Spine J. 2021 Mar;21(3):492-9. Epub 2020 Oct 26.
Sawaguchi T, Takeuchi R, Nakamura R, et al.
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2020;28(1):2309499019887990
Mittermiller PA, Bidwell SS, Thieringer FM, et al.
Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr. 2019;12(4):254-265
Kates SL, Hurni S, Chen MS
Development and challenges in setting up an international bone infection registry
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2020;140(6):741-749
Sommer C, Chen M, Espinoza K, et al.
Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research. 2019;3(4):334-341
Garcia-Retamero R, Petrova D, Cokely ET, et al.
J Exp Psychol Appl. 2020;26(2):283-299
Azi ML, Teixeira AAA, Cotias RB, et al.
Induced-Membrane Technique in the Management of Posttraumatic Bone Defects
JBJS Essent Surg Tech. 2019;9(2):e22s
Joeris A, Hoglinger M, Meier F, et al.
The impact of the AO Foundation on fracture care: An evaluation of 60 years AO Foundation
Injury. 2019;50(11):1868-1875
Versteeg AL, Sahgal A, Kawahara N, et al.
Patient satisfaction with treatment outcomes after surgery and/or radiotherapy for spinal metastases
Cancer. 2019;125(23):4269-4277
Wilson JRF, Jiang F, Badhiwala JH, et al.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2020;45(1):32-37
Charest-Morin R, Fisher CG, Versteeg AL, et al.
Ann Transl Med. 2019;7(10):214
Lewis SJ, Wong IHY, Strantzas S, et al.
Global Spine J. 2019;9(1 Suppl):15S-21S
Charest-Morin R, Fisher CG, Sahgal A, et al.
Primary Bone Tumor of the Spine-An Evolving Field: What a General Spine Surgeon Should Know
Global Spine J. 2019;9(1 Suppl):108S-116S
Cerpa M, Lenke LG, Fehlings MG, et al.
Global Spine J. 2019;9(1 Suppl):8S-14S
Barzilai O, Boriani S, Fisher CG, et al.
Global Spine J. 2019;9(1 Suppl):98S-107S
Bond MR, Versteeg AL, Sahgal A, et al.
Global Spine J. 2020;10(1):21-29
Hengg C, Nijs S, Klopfer T, et al.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2019;139(7):927-942
Brorson S, Alispahic N, Bahrs C, et al.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019;20(1):91
Osinga R, Estermann L, Klein HJ, et al.
Ulnar Variance in Scaphoid Fractures: Retrospective Analysis of 182 Cases
J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2019;24(1):13-16
Belangero W, Barla JD, Rienzi Bergalli DH, et al.
Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2019;10:2151459318816980
Moed BR, Barla J, Israel HA, et al.
J Orthop Trauma. 2019;33(Suppl 2):S61-S65
Buser Z, Brodke DS, Youssef JA, et al.
Allograft Versus Demineralized Bone Matrix in Instrumented and Noninstrumented Lumbar Fusion: A Systematic Review.
Global Spine J. 2018 Jun;8(4):396-412.
Eisa A, Farouk O, Mahran DG, et al.
Predictors of mortality after pelvic fractures: a retrospective cohort study from a level one trauma centre in Upper Egypt.
Int Orthop. 2018 Dec 4.
Fehlings MG, Kato S, Lenke LG, et al.
Incidence and risk factors of postoperative neurologic decline after complex adult spinal deformity surgery: results of the Scoli-RISK-1 study.
Spine J. 2018 Oct;18(10):1733-1740.
Joeris A, Goldhahn S, Kalampoki V, et al.
Intraoperative radiation exposure of orthopedic surgeons - mismatch between concerns and protection.
Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs. 2018;6(2):273.
Joeris A, Knoll C, Kalampoki V, et al.
Patient-reported outcome measurements in clinical routine of trauma, spine and craniomaxillofacial surgeons: between expectations and reality: a survey among 1212 surgeons.
BMJ Open. 2018 Jun 11;8(6):e020629.
Joeris A, Vannabouathong C, Knoll C.
The Influence of Health Economics on Surgeon Practice and Hospital Purchasing Decisions: A Survey of Surgeons at the AO Foundation Davos Courses.
Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research. 2018;2(3):83-112.
Kammerlander C, Hem ES, Klopfer T, et al.
Cement augmentation of the Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation (PFNA) - A multicentre randomized controlled trial.
Injury. 2018 Aug;49(8):1436-1444.
Kojima K, Graves M, Taha W, et al.
AO international consensus panel for metrics on a closed reduction and fixation of a 31A2 pertrochanteric fracture.
Injury. 2018 Dec;49(12):2227-2233.
Kopjar B, Bohm PE, Arnold JH, et al.
Outcomes of Surgical Decompression in Patients With Very Severe Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2018 Aug;43(16):1102-1109.
Lenke LG, Shaffrey CI, Carreon LY, et al.
Lower Extremity Motor Function Following Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Two-Year Follow-up in the Scoli-RISK-1 Prospective, Multicenter, International Study.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018 Apr 18;100(8):656-665.
Miller EK, Lenke LG, Neuman BJ, et al.
External Validation of the Adult Spinal Deformity (ASD) Frailty Index (ASD-FI) in the Scoli-RISK-1 Patient Database.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2018 Oct 15;43(20):1426-1431.
Petrova D, Joeris A, Sanchez MJ, et al.
How are risk ratios reported in orthopaedic surgery journals? A descriptive study of formats used to report absolute risks.
BMJ Open. 2018 Nov 25;8(11):e025047.
Versteeg AL, Sahgal A, Rhines LD, et al.
Psychometric evaluation and adaptation of the Spine Oncology Study Group Outcomes Questionnaire to evaluate health-related quality of life in patients with spinal metastases.
Cancer. 2018 Apr 15;124(8):1828-1838.
Zimmerer RM, Gellrich NC, von Bulow S, et al.
Is there more to the clinical outcome in posttraumatic reconstruction of the inferior and medial orbital walls than accuracy of implant placement and implant surface contouring? A prospective multicenter study to identify predictors of clinical outcome.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2018 Apr;46(4):578-587.
Barzilai O, Versteeg AL, Sahgal A, et al.
Survival, local control, and health-related quality of life in patients with oligometastatic and polymetastatic spinal tumors: A multicenter, international study.
Cancer. 2019 Mar 1;125(5):770-778.
Kwan KYH, Bow C, Samartzis D, et al.
Non-neurologic adverse events after complex adult spinal deformity surgery: results from the prospective, multicenter Scoli-RISK-1 study.
Eur Spine J. 2019 Jan;28(1):170-179.
Maniglio M, Fornaciari P, Backer H, et al.
Surgical Treatment of Mild to Severe Hallux Valgus Deformities With a Percutaneous Subcapital Osteotomy Combined With a Lateral Soft Tissue Procedure.
Foot Ankle Spec. 2019 Apr;12(2):138-145.
Tuchman A, Lenke LG, Cerpa M, et al.
Unilateral versus bilateral lower extremity motor deficit following complex adult spinal deformity surgery: is there a difference in recovery up to 2-year follow-up?
Spine J. 2019 Mar;19(3):395-402.
Algorithmen der Bildgebung bei Schädelskeletttraumata. AO-CMF-Trauma-Klassifikation
[Algorithms for imaging of skull, midface and mandibular fractures. AO-CMF trauma classification]Der MKG-Chirurg.2017;10(2):134–144
Buitrago‐Téllez CH, Kunz C, Audigé L, Cornelius CP, Prein J, Leiggener CS
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017 Apr 14;18(1):156. doi: 10.1186/s12891‐017‐1506‐4.
Doshi P, Gopalan H, Sprague S, Pradhan C, Kulkarni S, Bhandari M
BMJ Open. 2017 Jul 12;7(7):e014795. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen‐2016‐014795.
Joeris A, Hurtado‐Chong A, Hess D, Kalampoki V, Blauth M
BMJ Open. 2017 Jul 12;7(7):e014796. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen‐2016‐014796.
Hurtado‐Chong A, Joeris A, Hess D, Blauth M
Orbitafrakturen nach der AO‐CMF‐Level‐3‐Trauma‐Klassifikation.
[Orbital fractures according to the AO‐CMF level 3 trauma classification]MKG‐Chirurg, DOI 10.1007/s12285‐017‐0103‐8, © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH 2017
Kunz C, Cornelius CP, Audigé L, Thieringer F, Buitrago‐Téllez CH, Metzger M, Wilde F, Prein J
Die neue AO‐CMF‐Trauma‐Klassifikation im Überblick. Grundidee und Grundkonzeption.
[Overview of the new AO CMF trauma classification. Basic ideas and basic conception]MKG‐Chirurg, DOI 10.1007/s12285‐017‐0092‐7, © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH 2017
Cornelius CP, Audigé L, Prein J
Kiefergelenkfortsatzfrakturen nach der AO‐CMF‐Trauma‐Klassifikation
[Condylar process fractures according to the AO CMF trauma classification]MKG‐Chirurg, DOI 10.1007/s12285‐017‐0097‐2, © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH 2017
Neff A, Cornelius CP, Rasse M, Audigé L
Mittelgesichtsfrakturen nach der AO‐CMF‐Trauma‐Klassifikation.
[Midface fractures according to the AO‐CMF trauma classification]MKG‐Chirurg, DOI 10.1007/s12285‐017‐0098‐1, © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH 2017
Kunz C, Thieringer F, Smieliauskas F, Smolka W, Wilde F, Metzger M, Reichert T, Buitrago‐Téllez CH, Audigé L, Prein J, Cornelius CP
Unterkieferfrakturen nach AO‐CMF‐Trauma‐Klassifikation.
[Mandibular fractures according to the AO‐CMF trauma classification]MKG‐Chirurg, DOI 10.1007/s12285‐017‐0100‐y, © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH 2017
Cornelius CP, Neff A, Thieringer F, Kunz C, Smolka W, Reichert T, Audigé L, Prein J
Titanium or steel as osteosynthesis material : Systematic literature search for clinical evidence.
Unfallchirurg. 2017 Feb;120(2):96‐102. doi: 10.1007/s00113‐016‐0299‐5.
Joeris A, Goldhahn S, Rometsch E, Höntzsch D
Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2017;1‐5. DOI: 10.1177/2151458516687811
Joeris A, Hurtado‐Chong A, Blauth M, Goldhahn J, Bodmer NS, Bachmann LM
Injury. 2017 Aug;48(8):1727‐1734. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2017.04.041. Epub 2017 Apr 21.
Matityahu A, Duffy RK, Goldhahn S, Joeris A, Richter PH, Gebhard F
J Neurosurg Spine. 2017 Jul;27(1):68‐73. doi: 10.3171/2016.12.SPINE161068. Epub 2017 May 5.
Kelly MP, Lenke LG, Godzik J, Pellisé‐Urquiza F, Shaffrey CI, Smith JS, Lewis SJ, Ames CP, Carreon LY, Fehlings MG, Schwab FJ, Shimer AL
J Orthop Sci. 2017 Jun 6. pii: S0949‐2658(17)30131‐8. doi: 10.1016/j.jos.2017.04.013.
Goldhahn S, Takeuchi R, Nakamura N, Nakamura R, Sawaguchi T
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2017 Jan;25(1):2309499016684089. doi: 10.1177/2309499016684089.
Suk M, Daigl M, Buckley RE, Lorich DG, Helfet DL, Hanson BP
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Feb;42(3):195‐201. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001859.
Wilson JR, Tetreault LA, Schröder GD, Harrop JS, Prasad S, Vaccaro AR, Kepler CK, Sharan A, Fehlings MG
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Mar 15;42(6):372‐378. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001777.
Tetreault LA, Nagoshi N, Nakashima H, Singh A, Kopjar B, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG
Spine Deform. 2017 Mar;5(2):139‐144. doi: 10.1016/j.jspd.2016.11.001.
Carreon LY, Glassman SD, Shaffrey CI, Fehlings MG, Dahl BT, Ames CP, Matsuyama Y, Qiu Y, Mehdian H, Cheung KM, Schwab FJ, Pellisé‐Urquiza F, Kebaish KM, Lenke LG
Basic Steps to Writing a Paper: Practice Makes Perfect.
The Bangkok Medical Journal Vol. 13, No. 1; February 2017.ISSN 2287‐0237 (online)/ 2287‐9674 (print)
Falavigna A, De Faoite D, Blauth M, Kates SL
J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2017 Jun;42(5):493‐500. doi: 10.1177/1753193417690478. Epub 2017 Feb 9.
Teunis T, Jupiter JB, Schaser KD, Fronhöfer G, Babst R, Langer M, Platz A, Schierz A, Joeris A, Rikli
Do Caucasians and East Asians have different outcomes following surgical treatment of degenerative cervical myelopathy?: Results from the prospective multicenter AO Spine international study.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Sep 15;41(18):1428-35. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001555.Nagoshi N, Tetreault LA, Nakashima H, Nouri A, Arnold PM, Zileli M, Tan G, Kopjar B, Fehlings MG
Alloplastic total temporomandibular joint replacements: do they perform like natural joints? Prospective cohort study with a historical control.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 May 18. pii: S0901-5027(16)30054-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2016.04.022. [Epub ahead of print]Wojczyńska A, Leiggener CS, Bredell M, Ettlin DA, Erni S, Gallo LM , Luigi M , Colombo V
A refined definition improves the measurement reliability of the tip-apex distance.
J Orthop Sci. 2016 Mar 28. pii: S0949-2658(16)00054-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jos.2016.03.001. [Epub ahead of print]Sakagoshi D, Sawaguchi T, Shima Y, Inoue D, Oshima T, Goldhahn S
Antibiotic Resistance of Commensal Staphylococcus aureus and Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci in an International Cohort of Surgeons: A Prospective Point-Prevalence Study.
PLoS One. 2016 Feb 3;11(2):e0148437. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148437. eCollection 2016.Morgenstern M, Erichsen C, Hackl S, Mily J, Militz M, Friederichs J, Hungerer S, Bühren V, Moriarty TF, Post V, Richards RG, Kates SL
Improving Risk Literacy in Surgeons.
Patient Educ Couns. 2016 Jan 29. pii: S0738-3991(16)30034-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.01.013. [Epub ahead of print]Garcia-Retamero R, Cokely ET, Wicki B, Joeris A
Membrane Induced Osteogenesis in the Management of Traumatic Large Bone Defects.
J Orthop Trauma. 2016 Oct;30(10):545-550.Azi ML, Teixeira AA, Cotias RB, Joeris A, Kfuri M
Neue Wege in der Erhebung von Patient Reported Outcomes.
Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie Mitteilungen und Nachrichten, April 2016Joeris A
Neurologic Outcomes of Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Results of the Prospective, Multicenter Scoli-RISK-1 Study.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Feb;41(3):204-12. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001338.Lenke LG, Fehlings MG, Shaffrey CI, Cheung KM, Carreon LY, Dekutoski MB, Schwab FJ, Boachie-Adjei O, Kebaish KM, Ames CP, Qiu Y, Matsuyama Y, Dahl BT, Mehdian H, Pellisé-Urquiza F, Lewis SJ, Berven SH
Osteosarcoma of the spine: prognostic variables for local recurrence and overall survival, a multicenter ambispective study.
J Neurosurg Spine. 2016 Jul;25(1):59-68. doi: 10.3171/2015.11.SPINE15870. Epub 2016 Mar 4.Dekutoski MB, Clarke MJ, Rose P, Luzzati A, Rhines LD, Varga PP, Fisher CG, Chou D, Fehlings MG, Reynolds JJ, Williams RP, Quraishi NA, Germscheid NM, Sciubba DM, Gokaslan ZL, Boriani S, AO Spine Knowledge Forum Tumor
Parameters pointing at an increased risk for contra-lateral hip fractures: Systematic Review.
Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2016 Mar;7(1):45-61. doi: 10.1177/2151458515618490.Moll MA, Bachmann LM, Joeris A, Goldhahn J, Blauth M
Risk Factors for Recurrence of Surgically Treated Conventional Spinal Schwannomas: Analysis of 169 Patients from a Multicenter International Database.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Mar;41(5):390-8. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001232.Fehlings MG, Nater A, Zamorano JJ, Tetreault LA, Varga PP, Gokaslan ZL, Boriani S, Fisher CG, Rhines LD, Bettegowda C, Kawahara N, Chou D
The influence of the operation technique and implant used in the treatment of periprosthetic hip and interprosthetic femur fractures: a systematic literature review of 1571 cases.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2016 Apr;136(4):553-61. doi: 10.1007/s00402-016-2407-y. Epub 2016 Jan 18.Stoffel K, Sommer C, Kalampoki V, Blumenthal A, Joeris A
Acta Orthop. 2017 Apr;88(2):123‐128. doi: 10.1080/17453674.2016.532. Epub 2016 Nov 24.
Joeris A, Lutz N, Blumenthal A, Slongo T, Audigé L
Acta Orthop. 2017 Apr;88(2):129‐132. doi: 10.1080/17453674.2016.1258533. Epub 2016 Nov 24.
Joeris A, Lutz N, Blumenthal A, Slongo T, Audigé L
Acta Orthop. 2017 Apr;88(2):133‐139. doi: 10.1080/17453674.2016.1258534. Epub 2016 Nov 24.
Audigé L, Slongo T, Lutz N, Blumenthal A, Joeris A
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016 Nov 9;17(1):465.
Azi ML, Aprato A, Santi I, Kfuri M Jr, Massè A, Joeris A
Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr. 2016 Sep;9(3):195‐205. doi: 10.1055/s‐0036‐1572494. Epub 2016
Mar 3.Akinbami BO
Eur Spine J. 2017 Jan;26(1):78‐84. doi: 10.1007/s00586‐016‐4660‐8. Epub 2016 Jun 24.
Tetreault LA, Kopjar B, Nouri A, Arnold PM, Barbagallo G, Bartels RH, Qiang Z, Singh A, Zileli M, Vaccaro AR, Fehlings MG
EurSpineJ.2017 May;26(5):1463-1469. doi: 10.1007/s00586-016-4623-0. Epub 2016 Jun 1.
Rajasekaran S, Vaccaro AR, Kanna RM, Schröder GD, Oner FC, Vialle LR, Chapman JR, Dvorak MF, Fehlings MG, Shetty AP, Schnake KJ, Maheshwaran A, Kandziora F
Eur Spine J. 2016 May;25(5):1484‐521. doi: 10.1007/s00586‐016‐4407‐6. Epub 2016 Mar 17.
Härtl R, Joeris A, McGuire RA
Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2016 Sep;7(3):148‐52. doi: 10.1177/2151458516655436. Epub 2016 Jun 22.
Farouk O, Mahran DG, Said HG, Alaa MM, Eisa AA, Said GZ, Rashed H, Ez‐Eldeen A
Global Spine J. 2017 7(4):350‐372. DOI: 10.1177/2192568217699202
Rometsch E, Spruit M, Härtl R, McGuire RA, Gallo‐Kopf BS, Kalampoki V, Kandziora F
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016 Mar 2;98(5):370‐8. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.O.00397.
Nakashima H, Tetreault LA, Nagoshi N, Nouri A, Arnold PM, Yukawa Y, Toyone T, Tanaka M, Zhou Q,
J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2016 Sep;44(9):1485‐97. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2016.07.014. Epub 2016 Jul 21.
Zimmerer RM, Ellis E 3rd, Aniceto GS, Schramm A, Wagner ME, Grant MP, Cornelius CP, Strong EB, Rana M, Chye LT
J Pediatr Orthop B.2017 Sep;26(5):441-448. doi: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000397.
Joeris A, Ramseier L, Langendoerfer M, von Knobloch M, Patwardhan S, Dwyer J, Slongo T
Med Decis Making. 2016 Oct;36(7):854‐67. doi: 10.1177/0272989X16655334. Epub 2016 Jun 27.
Garcia‐Retamero R, Cokely ET, Ghazal S, Joeris A
Musculoskelet Surg. 2017 Apr;101(1):31‐35. doi: 10.1007/s12306‐016‐0430‐3. Epub 2016 Oct 12.
Aprato A, Joeris A, Tosto F, Kalampoki V, Rometsch E, Favuto M, Stucchi A, Azi ML, Massè A
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Surgical management of spinal chondrosarcomas.
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Fisher CG, Versteeg AL, Dea N, Boriani S, Varga PP, Dekutoski MB, Luzzati A, Gokaslan ZL, Williams RP, Reynolds JJ, Fehlings MG, Germscheid NM, Bettegowda C, Rhines LD
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Strahlenschutz ‐ "Viele Krankenhäuser müssen mehr tun."
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A Global Perspective on the Outcomes of Surgical Decompression in Patients With Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Results From the Prospective Multicenter AO Spine International Study on 479 Patients
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Sep 1;40(17):1322-8. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000988Fehlings MG, Ahmed I, Tetreault LA, Albanese V, Alvarado M, Arnold PM, Barbagallo G, Bartels RH, Bolger C, Defino H, Kale S, Massicotte EM, Moraes O, Scerrati M, Tan G, Tanaka M, Toyone T, Yukawa Y, Zhou Q, Zileli M, Kopjar B
Clinical and Surgical Predictors of Complications Following Surgery for the Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Results From the Multicenter, Prospective AO Spine International Study of 479 Patients.
Neurosurgery. 2016 Jul;79(1):33-44. doi: 10.1227/NEU.0000000000001151.Tetreault LA, Tan G, Kopjar B, Côté P, Arnold PM, Nugaeva N, Barbagallo G, Fehlings MG
A Clinical Prediction Rule for Functional Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Analysis of an International Prospective Multicenter Data Set of 757 Subjects.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Dec 16;97(24):2038-46. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.O.00189.Tetreault LA, Kopjar B, Côté P, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG
A novel method using baseline normalization and area under the curve to evaluate differences in outcome between treatment groups and application to patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy undergoing anterior versus posterior surgery
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Dec;40(24):E1299-304. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001152.Liu S, Tetreault LA, Fehlings MG, Challier V, Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Arnold PM, Scheer JK, Chapman JR, Kopjar B, Protopsaltis TS, Lafage VC, Schwab FJ, Massicotte EM, Yoon ST, Ames CP
A Worldwide Analysis of the Reliability and Perceived Importance of an Injury to the Posterior Ligamentous Complex in AO Type A Fractures
Global Spine J. 2015 Oct;5(5):378-82. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1549034. Epub 2015 Mar 27.Schröder GD, Kepler CK, Koerner JD, Oner FC, Fehlings MG, Aarabi B, Dvorak MF, Reinhold M, Kandziora F, Bellabarba C, Chapman JR, Vialle L, Vaccaro AR
An Assessment of the Key Predictors of Perioperative Complications in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Undergoing Surgical Treatment: Results from a Survey of 916 AO Spine International Members
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AO Spine subaxial cervical spine injury classification system
Eur Spine J. 2016 Jul;25(7):2173-84. doi: 10.1007/s00586-015-3831-3. Epub 2015 Feb 26.Vaccaro AR, Koerner JD, Radcliff KE, Oner FC, Reinhold M, Schnake KJ, Kandziora F, Fehlings MG, Dvorak MF, Aarabi B, Rajasekaran S, Schröder GD, Kepler CK, Vialle LR
Are work return and leaves of absence predictable after an unstable pelvic ring injury?
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Association of preoperative cervical spine alignment with spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging hyperintensity and myelopathy severity: analysis of a series of 124 cases
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Can a Thoracolumbar Injury Severity Score Be Uniformly Applied from T1 to L5 or Are Modifications Necessary?
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Corticosteroid Injections Accelerate Pain Relief and Recovery of Function Compared With Oral NSAIDs in Patients With Adhesive Capsulitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Decrease of Morbidity in Road Traffic Accidents in a High Income Country–An Analysis of 24.405 Accidents in a 21 Year Period
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Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Epidemiology, Genetics, and Pathogenesis
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Direct and indirect costs of surgically treated pelvic fractures
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Does Age Affect Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy? Results from the Prospective, Multicenter AO Spine International Study on 479 Patients
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Does Magnetic Resonance Imaging Improve the Predictive Performance of a Validated Clinical Prediction Rule Developed to Evaluate Surgical Outcome in Patients With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy?
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Jul 15;40(14):1092-100. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000919.Nouri A, Tetreault LA, Côté P, Zamorano JJ, Dalzell K, Fehlings MG
Establishing the injury severity of thoracolumbar trauma: confirmation of the hierarchical structure of the AO Spine Thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification System
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Fixation of the Proximal Metatarsal Crescentic Osteotomy Using a Head Locking X-Plate
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Is there a regional difference in morphology interpretation of A3/A4 fractures among different cultures?
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Mobile spine chordoma: results of 166 patients from the AO Spine Knowledge Forum Tumor database
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Multicultural Aspects Affecting Patient-Doctor Interactions and the Conduct of Clinical Research
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Reconstruction of continuity defects of the mandible with non-vascularized bone grafts. Systematic literature review
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Reliability, validity and responsiveness of the Spanish Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire (MOXFQ) in patients with foot or ankle surgery
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Role of magnetic resonance imaging in predicting surgical outcome in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy
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Single, superiorly placed reconstruction plate compared with flexible intramedullary nailing for midshaft clavicular fractures: a prospective, randomized controlled trial
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Spinal hemangiomas: results of surgical management for local recurrence and mortality in a multicenter study
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Survival and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Metastatic Epidural Spinal Cord Compression: Result of the a AO Spine Prospective Multi-Centre Study of 142 patients
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Systematic Review of En Bloc Resection in the Management of Ewing's Sarcoma of the Mobile Spine with Respect to Local Control and Disease-Free Survival
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The Impact of Dynamic Alignment, Motion and Center of Rotation on Myelopathy Grade and Regional Disability in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
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The influence of spine surgeons' experience on the classification and intraobserver reliability of the novel AO Spine Thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification System - an international study
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The Minimum Clinically Important Difference of the Modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association Scale in Patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Nov;40(21):1653-9. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001127Tetreault LA, Nouri A, Kopjar B, Côté P, Fehlings MG.
The Surgical Algorithm for the AO Spine Thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification System
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Thoracolumbar Injury Severity Scoring Systems: A Review and Rationale for a New System Based on the AO Spine Thoracolumbar Injury Classification System
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Trabecular bone strength is not an independent predictive factor for dynamic hip screw migration-A prospective multicenter cohort study
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Intramedullary Fixation in Severe Charcot Osteo-Neuroarthropathy with Foot Deformity Results in Adequate Correction without Loss of Correction - Results from a Multi-centre Study
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Reliability Analysis of the AO Spine thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification System by Worldwide Group of Naïve Spinal Surgeon
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Long-term outcomes in primary, spinal osteochondroma: a multicenter study of 27 patients
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Psychometric properties of the modified Japanese orthopaedic association scale in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Jan 1;40(1):E23-8. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000648Kopjar B, Tetreault L, Sukhvinder KR, Fehlings M.
The effect of local bone mineral density on the rate of mechanical failure after surgical treatment of distal radius fractures: a prospective multicentre cohort study including 249 patients
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Factors predicting secondary displacement after non-operative treatment of undisplaced femoral neck fractures
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An epidemiological evaluation of pediatric long bone fractures — a retrospective cohort study of 2716 patients from two Swiss tertiary pediatric hospitals
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Surgical treatment of sacral chordoma: prognostic variables for local recurrence and overall survival
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Fracture Case Collection, Diagnostic Imaging Work Up, AOCOIAC Iconography and Coding
Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstruction. 2014;7(Suppl 1):S131–S135Cornelius CP, Kunz C, Neff A, Kellman RM, Prein J, Audigé L.
The First Comprehensive AO Classification System for Fractures of the Craniomaxillofacial Skeleton
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Glossary of Common Terminology
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CMF Classification
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Radiological Issues and Systematic Approach
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Classification and Documentation within AOCOIAC Software
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification: Skull Base and Cranial Vault Fractures – Level 2 and 3 Tutorial
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Orbital Fractures - Level 3 Tutorial
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Midface Fractures - Level 3 Tutorial
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Midface Fractures - Level 2 Tutorial
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Condylar Process Fractures - Level 3 Tutorial
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Mandible Fractures-Level 3 Tutorial
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The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System: Mandible Fractures- Level 2 Tutorial
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The First AO Classification System for Fractures of the Craniomaxillofacial Skeleton: Rationale, Methodological Background, Developmental Process, and Objectives
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the angular stable locking system in patients with distal tibial fractures treated with intramedullary nailing: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Nov 19;96(22):1889-97. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.M.01355Höntzsch D, Schaser KD, Hofmann GO, Pohlemann T, Hem ES, Rothenbach E, Krettek C, Attal R.
Do quantitative magnetic resonance imaging parameters correlate with the clinical presentation and functional outcomes after surgery in cervical spondylotic myelopathy? A prospective multicenter study
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2014 Aug 15;39(18):1488-97. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000436Karpova A, Arun R, Kalsi-Ryan S, Massicotte EM, Kopjar B, Fehlings MG
An evidence based medicine model for rare and often neglected neoplastic conditions
Journal of Neurosurgery: 2014 Nov;21(5):704-10Fisher CG, Goldschlager T, Boriani S, Varga PP, Rhines LD, Fehlings MG, Luzzati A, Bilsky MH, Dekutoski MB, Reynolds JJ, Chou D, Berven S, Williams RP, Quraishi NA, Bettegowda C, Gokaslan ZL
Reliability of the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) among radiologists; an assessment of instability secondary to spinal metastases
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2014 Oct;203(4):869-74Fisher CG, Versteeg A, Schouten R, Boriani S, Varga PP, Rhines LD, Heran MKS, Kawahara N, Fourney D, Reynolds JJ, Fehlings MG, Gokaslan ZL
The Influence of Local Bone Density on the Outcome of one hundred and fifty Proximal Humeral Fractures Treated with a Locking Plate
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AO Spine Knowledge Forum Tumor. Aneurysmal bone cysts of the spine: treatment options and considerations
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Do design adaptations of a trochanteric nail make sense for Asian patients? Results of a multicenter study of the PFNA-II in Japan
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3D Navigation is more Accurate than 2D Navigation or Conventional Fluoroscopy for Percutaneous Sacroiliac Screw Fixation in the Dysmorphic Sacrum: A Randomized Multicenter Study
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Reliability of the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) among radiation oncologists; an assessment of instability secondary to spinal metastases
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Factors Predicting Surgeons' Preferred and Actual Roles in Interactions with Their Patients
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AO spine injury classification system: a revision proposal for the thoracic and lumbar spine
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Viscosupplementation for Knee Osteoarthritis: Current Evidence and Recommendations
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Evaluating implants in orthopaedic trials: tips for conducting research
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Clinical evaluation of a neuroprotective drug in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy undergoing surgical treatment: design and rationale for the CSM-Protect trial
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Radiographic quantification of dynamic hip screw migration
International Orthopaedics; 2014; Apr;38(4):839-45Audigé L, Cagienard F, Sprecher Ch.M, Suhm N, Müller M.A.
Anterior vs posterior surgical approaches to treat cervical spondylotic myelopathy: Outcomes of the prospective multicenter AO Spine North America CSM Study in 264 patients
Spine; 2013; Dec 15;38(26):2247-52Fehlings MG, Barry S, Kopjar B, Tim Yoon S, Arnold P, Massicotte EM, Vaccaro A, Brodke DS, Shaffrey C, Smith JS, Woodard E, Banco RJ, Chapman J, Janssen M, Bono C, Sasso R, Dekutoski M, Gokaslan ZL.
A Clinical Prediction model to Determine Outcomes in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy undergoing Surgical Treatment: Data from the Prospective, Multicentre AO Spine North America CSM Study
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery [Am]; 2013; Sep18;95(18):1659-66Fehlings M.G, Tetreault L.A, Kopjar B, Yoon S.T, Arnold P, Massicotte E.M, Vaccaro A. (2012) A Clinical Prediction model to Determine Outcomes in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy undergoing Surgical Treatment: Data from the Prospective, Multi
The AO Foundation and Orthopaedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) Scapula Fracture Classification System: Focus on Body Involvement
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; 2014; Feb 23(2):189-196Audigé L, Kellam JF, Lambert S, Madsen JE, Babst R, Andermahr J, Li W, Jaeger M.
Efficacy and Safety of Surgical Decompression in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Results of the AO Spine North America Prospective Multi-Centre Study
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; 2013; Sep 18;95(18):1651-8Fehlings M.G, Wilson J.R, Kopjar B, Yoon S.T, Arnold A Massicotte E.M, Vaccaro A.R, Brodke D.S, Shaffrey C, Smith J.S, Woodard E, Banco R.J, Chapman J, Janssen M, Bono C, Sasso R, Dekutoski M, Gokaslan Z.L.
Mild Diabetes is Not a Contraindication for Surgical Decompression in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Results of the AO Spine North America Multi-Center Prospective Study (CSM)
The Spine Journal; 2014; Jan;14(1):65-72Arnold P.M, Fehlings M.G, Kopjar B, Yoon S.T, Massicotte E.M, Vaccaro A.R, Brodke D.S, Shaffrey C, Smith J.S, Woodard E, Banco R.J, Chapman J, Janssen M, Bono C, Sasso R, Dekutoski M, Gokaslan Z.L.
The AO Spine North America Geriatric Odontoid Fracture Mortality Study: a retrospective review of mortality outcomes for operative versus nonoperative treatment of 322 patients with long-term follow-up
Spine 2013 Jun 1;38(13):1098-104.Chapman J, Smith JS, Kopjar B, Vaccaro AR, Arnold P, Shaffrey CI, Fehlings MG.
Floerkemeier S, Staubli AE, Schroeter S, Goldhahn S, Lobenhoffer P
Frequency, distribution and severity of prevalent osteoporotic vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women
Turkish Neurosurgery; 2013; 23(4):476-83Kilinçer C, Demirbağ Kabayel D, Çağli B, Ünlü E, Wicki B, Özdemir F.
Focused classification of scapula fractures: failure of the Lateral Scapular Suspension System
Injury; 2013; 44(11):1507-13
Lambert S, Kellam J, Jaeger M, Madsen JE, Babst R, Andermahr J, Li W, Audigé L.
Publish or Perish; But What, When, and How?
Am J Orthop. 2013;42(9):399-400Helfet D, Hanson B, De Faoite D.
The grading model for the assessment of the total amount of epidural fibrosis in postoperative lumbar spine
European Spine Journal; 2013; Apr;22(4):892-7Lubina Z.I, Baranovic S, Karlak I, Novacic K, Potocki-Karacic T, Lovric D
Operative versus non-operative treatment for two-part surgical neck fractures of the proximal humerus
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma; 2013 Oct;133(10):1385-93Hauschild O, Konrad G, Audigé L, de Boer P, Lambert SM, Hertel R, Südkamp NP.
Tibiotalocalcaneal fusion using the Hindfoot Arthrodesis Nail. A multicenter study
Foot and Ankle International; 2013; Sep;34(9):1245-55Rammelt S, Pyrc J, Ågren P.H, Hartsock L.A, Cronier P, Friscia D.A, Hansen S.T, Schaser K, Ljungqvist J, Sands A.K
AO Spine Injury Classification System: A revision proposal for the Thorocic and Lumbar Spine
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An accurate maxillary superior repositioning technique without intraoperative measurement in bimaxillary orthognathic surgery – Discussion
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery;2013;(12):10Righesso,L.A, Wicki,B, Heitz,C.
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Japanese version of the Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score in patients with hip osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage; 2013 Apr;21(4):570-3Satoh M, Masuhara K, Goldhahn S, Kawaguchi T.
Technical complications during removal of locking screws from locking compression plates: a prosperctive multicenter study
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg; 2013;39(4): 339-344Schwarz N, Euler S, Schlittler M, Ulbing T, Wilhelm P, Fronhöfer G, Irnstorfer M.
Functional and Quality of Life Outcomes in Geriatric Patients with Type ll Dens
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Vaccaro A, Kepler C, Kopjar B, Chapman J, Shaffrey C, Arnold P, Gokaslan Z, Brodke D. France J, Dekutoski M, Sasso R, Yoon T, Bono C, Harrop J, Fehlings M.
TEFTOM - A promising general trauma expectation/outcome measure. Results of a validation study on Pan-American ankle and distal tibia trauma patients
ISRN OrthopedicsSuk M, Daigl M, Buckley RE, Paccola CAJ, Lorich DG, Helfet DL, Hanson B.
Upper Extremity and Mobility Subdomains from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) Adult Physical Functioning Item Bank
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; 2013; Nov;94(11):2291-6Hays R.D, Spritzer K.L, Amtmann D, Lai J.S, Dewitt E.M, Rothrock N, Dewalt D.A, Riley W.T, Fries J.F, Krishnan E.
How to perform a study – some practical tips based on our experience
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Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in Geriatric Patients with Odontoid Fractures: AO Spine North America Multi-Centre Prospective GOF Study
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A Retrospective Review of Mortality Outcomes in Operative versus Non-Operative Treatment in 332 Patients with Long-Term Follow-U
Journal Spine 2013; 38(13):1098-104Chapman J, Smith J.S, Kopjar B, Vaccaro A, Arnold P, Shaffrey C.I, Felings M.G.
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