Surgeon stories: Ruth Gremminger on how faculty development ignited her passion for teaching

Ruth Gremminger

Watch Ruth Gremminger, chairperson of the AO Trauma Course—Basic Principles of Fracture Management for Swiss Surgeons at the Davos Courses 2024, as she reflects on her faculty development experience so far and how her Chairperson Education Training influenced her approach to teaching, program planning, and faculty collaboration. Ruth’s passion for teaching and dedication to continuous improvement are an inspiration!

Ruth Gremminger is a senior consultant at the Clinic for Orthopedics and Traumatology at Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland and an active AO Trauma faculty member since 2008. She was elected as the first female board member of AO Trauma Switzerland in 2020 and also supports the AO Trauma Pediatrics Education Task force with inputs from her daily practice.

Watch the interview: