Including the patient perspective in education development

Patient perspective

While AO’s education programs are aimed at improving patient care, patients are rarely involved directly in our curriculum development processes. AO faculty member, Manoj Khatri, highlights the distinct advantages of incorporating the patient’s perspective in education development.

Manoj Khatri, AO Spine faculty member and past member of the AO Spine United Kingdom and Ireland Council, has over 15 years of experience integrating patient perspectives into research and education. He presents compelling arguments for consistently including the patient’s voice in these contexts.

Manoj Khatri

“Reflecting on my early medical training, there was no emphasis on how to communicate with patients. While patient communication is now an integral part of any medical curriculum, we still lack patient perspective in education.”

Manoj Khatri

Manoj introduced us to Claire Thornber, founder of patient advocacy association Cauda Equina Champions Charity, with whom he collaborates in healthcare professional education. They explain that asking patients about their experiences often identifies gaps in care that can be addressed in learning activities. For example the distress and uncertainty commonly experienced by patients post-surgery can often be traced back to insufficient or inappropriate information provided by the consulting surgeon. Additionally patient stories can create empathy and foster trust in powerful ways.

We encourage you to read and learn about the collaboration between Claire and Manoj.

Should AO consider including patient perspectives in education?

We would like to hear your experiences and opinions on including the patient voice in education. Please participate in our survey.