AO Global Data

Improved treatments based on patient-reported outcomes

Join the world’s most comprehensive registry today.

Our patient-reported outcomes solution will help your practice.

Your benefits

Improve your treatments and outcomes

Evidence-based medicine, with treatment options supported by data, help improve your patients’ outcomes.

Benchmark your performance

See how your outcomes compare to a region, or country.

Drive clinical research worldwide

By joining the world’s largest multinational, large scale patient-reported outcomes (PRO) collection.

Why is AO Global Data the best PRO tool for you?

Largest multinational database

With well over a billion datapoints, you can compare yourself broadly, and against the best.

3 million

distinct surgeries

4.8 million

active patients


care providers

16.4 million

completed outcomes questionnaires

AO Global Data's global infrastructure

Twelve languages:











Japanese (pending)

Chinese (pending)

Live locations:

United States



European Union



New Zealand

Very low cost

Thanks to the AO’s support, the cost to your practice is unmatched.

Up to 56 percent discount

First 1,000 members to apply

Price protection for length of agreement


Unique offering to AO members

Combining features from our most powerful packages

Superior data intelligence

Data is shaping our lives. AO Global Data transforms data into a tool of unparalleled potency in promoting excellence in patient care and outcomes worldwide. The AO's evidence-based data is an authenticated source for patients, doctors, researchers, communities. and policy makers to make informed decisions.

Promoting standards

Identify predictors that lead to poor outcomes and assist in medical decision-making through comparison with global members.

Reporting tools

Use evidence-based data to dig deep for meaningful analysis. The software displays information across multiple patient cohorts, so you can choose among demographics, comorbidities, and other factors to compare.

AO Surgery Reference

The renowned resource for the management of musculoskeletal disorders, based on current clinical principles, practices and available evidence: Link fracture classification and surgery reference directly to patients and their outcomes.

Transforming patient outcomes data into value for you, your team, and your patients

Watch the AO ITC webinar with Alexander Joeris, Simon Lambert, and Prakash Jayakumar to better understand the capabilities of patient outcomes data in driving value for patients and populations and leveraging technology to support this mission.

Best-in-class integration and automation

AO Global Data smoothly connects with EMR systems from different vendors. Existing data can be simply and securely populated into the database – completely automated, without the need for staff intervention. This prevents errors as well as redundant data entries, and allows the data to be accessible from one location via the EMR.

Automated procedures and reminders ensure minimal disruption to your workflows and improve compliance.

AO Global Data plans and features

The repository offers several benefits to you. You'll need to decide which package fits your needs best.

Package features Essential Advantage Premium
Functional PROMs: Fixed set of patient-reported outcomes measures, for a fixed set of procedures, distributed at fixed time intervals
Benchmark by individual or group: View and rank patient engagement and PROM scores by provider, procedure, group, or specialty, regional or global.
Standard surgical forms: Surgical documentation forms to capture intra-operative data including implants and medication
Data export with filters: Customizable and automated exports of raw data assessment, verification, and integrity filters
Wearable device data collection: Collect everyday activity data via wearable activity trackers and/or cell phones.
Surgical satisfaction: Choose from North American Spine Society satisfaction (NASS) or Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS).
E-consent: FDA-11-compliant patient reported and guardians consenting with eSignature that supports minors and witnesses
Precision assessment tools: Set expectations and guide recovery with contextualized PRO scores at the patient level, comparing patients preprocedure and postprocedure.
Standard advanced reports: Our data science team generates automated reports and pushes them to all members.
Vast library of custom PROs: Collect any validated PRO form from OBERD's vast licensed library, with real-time scoring and reporting, or create your own custom form.
Custom reports: Work with OBERD experts to filter, visualize, and benchmark your data. Customizable scheduled reports are generated and sent to your inbox or by text message.  
Staff-facing alerts: Real-time alerts to intervene on adverse events, ignored questions, score threshold, missed therapies, and more  
Clinical satisfaction: Measure patient experience using your choice of standard satisfaction surveys.    
Patient scorecards: Get real-time feedback after every completed form. Contextualize data for patients using user-friendly scorecards.    
Advanced surgical forms: Customizable staff-facing forms to capture operative data elements of your choosing by procedure    

Limited data collection           Advanced data collection


Included in all plans:

Substantial discount and price protection for years two and three

Guaranteed monthly rates for the first three years

Automated reporting dashboards

Create, save, and schedule reports to be released to staff. Reports support global trending, visualization, and more.

Branding by institution

Tailor your message to patients via e-mail and text message.

Computer adaptive testing (CAT)

Use machine-learning programs to find patterns and reduce the number of questions per form.

Customized patient messaging

View template-specific analytics that allow you to track the effectiveness of your custom patient messaging.

Manual patient enrollment

Effectively enroll new patients and create new appointments easily.

The AO is excited to offer unprecedented license discounts to members

Join the world's most prestigious data repository. Register here to find out your personal pricing options for AO Global Data.

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